Exhalation Relief Setting on your CPAP Explained – CPAPmyway

  • By Clay Rollyson
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Some call it EPR, others call it FLEX, and still others call it Reslex. Regardless of the name they are all exhalation relief settings. These settings are designed to give the CPAP user an easier time exhaling. It does this by reducing the pressure by a certain amount every time it senses you exhaling. This simple adjustment can make a huge difference in your CPAP Therapy experience. Below, we will go over this setting in the major models in detail.

ResMed CPAP Exhalation Relief – EPR

EPR stands for Exhalation Pressure Relief. It can be adjusted from 0-3 in increments of 1. At an EPR setting of 0 you have no exhalation relief at all. At a setting of 3 you get 3 cm of pressure relief when you exhale. So, for instance. If you have your ResMed CPAP set at a Therapy Pressure of 10cm with an EPR setting of 2, then you will inhale at a setting of 10cm and exhale at a setting of 8cm.

How to adjust your EPR setting on your ResMed CPAP (AirSense 11):

  1. From your Home Screen press the blue “My Options” icon.
  2. Adjust your “Pressure Relief” on or off. That setting should be right under the “ramp” setting.
If you do not see this setting, then you may have to access the Clinical Menu and turn your EPR and Advanced Patient View on. To access the Clinical Menu click here to view our tutorial on that process. The 0-3 adjustment can only be done in the Clinical Menu as well.

Philips Respironics CPAP Exhalation Relief – FLEX

The Flex Setting on Respironics CPAPs and Bipaps has been around for a very long time. It is available in all of their models, and may be referred to as AFLEX or BiFLEX in different models. It is adjusted from 0-3 as well.

How to adjust your Flex Setting on Respironics CPAPs (DreamStation 2):

  1. Press the “settings” icon at the bottom of your main home screen. You may have to touch the screen to wake the menu up.
  2. In the Settings menu the Flex setting is the 4th setting down. Click on that icon.
  3. Change FLEX setting anywhere between off and 3 by pressing the desired setting.

3B Luna CPAP Exhalation Relief – Reslex

How to adjust the Reslex on your 3B CPAP (Luna G3):

  1. Scroll all the way to the right on your main screen and click on “settings”
  2. Scroll by turning the dial to the right until you are on Reslex
  3. Click the reslex selection and turn knob right to adjust setting up and left to adjust the setting down.
  4. Click the knob to lock in your changes.
  5. Press the home button until you have exited the menu.
For a detailed look at this and other patient level settings in your Luna G3 CPAP you can click here to check out the video we have detailing them.

iBreeze CPAP Exhalation Relief IPR

How to adjust the IPR setting on your iBreeze CPAP:
  1. From the main screen twist knob to the right to scroll down to “comfort” selection.
  2. Click the comfort selection and the first setting will be IPR.
  3. Click on the IPR setting and adjust up by turning knob right and left to turn the setting down.
  4. Click knob again to lock in that setting.
  5. Scroll until you are highlighted on the back arrow and click the knob to exit.
For a great video instructional on this please click here.