Without insurance companies you Save Money, Receive Products Faster, and Get the CPAP Equipment that You Want
We give customers options (IE: Price, Product, Delivery Method, and Training). Our customers don’t have to subscribe to whatever the insurance company is shoving down their throat. Other Medical Equipment Companies billing insurance are paid a set price no matter what mask the customer receives. So many companies billing insurance often offer the least costly product alternative so that their profits can be maximized. Not Here….
Customers want to save money, so we offer Value Products, and if they want the most expensive top of the line CPAP equipment, they have that option as well. We offer all of this right along with everything that standard Medical Equipment Companies do like: equipment setup and education, providing compliance reports for your DOT officer or doctor, and following up on service and troubleshooting issues.
CPAP Financing
Sometimes the cost of buying a CPAP machine or CPAP accessories just isn’t feasible out-of-pocket. Although we do take all major credit cards, we also offer a variety of CPAP financing options for those who don’t have a way of paying for their CPAP and are unable to wait until they have the money on hand to buy their CPAP products. Learn more about our financing options for CPAP. Financing OptionsNo More Insurance Red Tape

- NO MORE insurance red tape or hoops to jump through.
- NO MORE Compliance Regulations/Mandates. Use it for what they consider a “compliant” period of time or they take the machine away
- NO MORE Waiting for crazy authorizations
- NO MORE Waiting for DR appointments or Delivery availability
- NO MORE Making additional doctor visits
- NO MORE Missing work for appointments
Faster Delivery of CPAP Products
We are faster. Many of our products don’t even require an RX prescription. Even if the item does require an RX we can ship for next day delivery once we receive the prescription.
No wait whatsoever. Get Started